China Gold Supplier for 5-HTP Factory from kazan

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China Gold Supplier for 5-HTP Factory from kazan Detail:

[Latin Name] Griffonia simplicifolia

[Plant Source] Griffonia Seed

[Specifications] 98%; 99% HPLC

[Appearance] White fine powder

Plant Part Used: Seed

[Particle size] 80 Mesh

[Loss on drying] ≤5.0%

[Heavy Metal] ≤10PPM

[Pesticide residue] EC396-2005, USP 34, EP 8.0, FDA

[Storage] Store in cool & dry area, keep away from the direct light and heat.

[Shelf life] 24 Months

[Package] Packed in paper-drums and two plastic-bags inside.

[Net weight] 25kgs/drum

5-HTP1 5-HTP21

[What is 5-HTP]

5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is a chemical by-product of the protein building block L-tryptophan. It is also produced commercially from the seeds of an African plant known as Griffonia simplicifolia 5-HTP is used for sleep disorders such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, migraine and tension-type headaches, fibromyalgia, obesity, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), seizure disorder, and Parkinson’s disease.

5-HTP31 5-HTP41

 [How does it work?]

5-HTP works in the brain and central nervous system by increasing the production of the chemical serotonin. Serotonin can affect sleep, appetite, temperature, sexual behavior, and pain sensation. Since 5-HTP increases the synthesis of serotonin, it is used for several diseases where serotonin is believed to play an important role including depression, insomnia, obesity, and many other conditions.


Depression. Some clinical research shows that taking 5-HTP by mouth improve symptoms of depression in some people. Some clinical research shows that taking 5-HTP by mouth might be as beneficial as certain prescription antidepressant drugs for improving depression symptoms. In most studies, 150-800 mg daily of 5-HTP was taken. In some cases, higher doses have been used.

Down syndrome. Some research shows that giving 5-HTP to infants with Down syndrome might improve muscle and activity. Other research shows that it does not improve muscle or development when taken from infancy until 3-4 years of age. Research also shows that taking 5-HTP along with conventional prescription drugs does improve development, social skills, or language skills.

Anxiety 5-HTP was found to be protective against carbon dioxide-induced panic attacks. One study compared 5-HTP and the prescription medication clomipramine for anxiety. Clomipramine is a tricyclic antidepressant used for treating obsessive-compulsive disorder. 5-HTP was found to be somewhat effective in reducing anxiety symptoms, but not as effective as clomipramine.

Sleep 5-HTP supplements fared a little better for insomnia.5-HTP decreased the time required to get to sleep and decreased the number of nighttime awakenings. Taking 5-HTP along with GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), a relaxing neurotransmitter, reduced the time it took to fall asleep and increased the duration and quality of sleep. One study found that children with night terrors benefited from 5-HTP.

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We know that we only thrive if we will guarantee our combined cost competiveness and high-quality advantageous at the same time for China Gold Supplier for 5-HTP Factory from kazan , The product will supply to all over the world, such as: Czech republic , Nigeria , Angola , We aim to build a famous brand which can influence a certain group of people and light up the whole world. We want our staff to realize self-reliance, then achieve financial freedom, lastly obtain time and spiritual freedom. We do not focus on how much fortune we can make, instead we aim to obtain high reputation and be recognized for our products. As a result, our happiness comes from our clients satisfaction rather than how much money we earn. Ours team will do best for you always.

  • Torta integrale al limone – Torta per diabetici con Stevia senza zucchero. Scopri gli ingredienti e i segreti di preparazione

    Ingredienti Ricetta

    130 g di farina integrale
    120 g (2 medie) di uova
    90 ml di olio di semi di mais
    16 g (1 bustina) di lievito per dolci
    20 g di stevia
    succo e scorza grattugiata di limone non trattato
    1 fialetta di aroma al limone


    1. Sgusciare le uova e dividere i tuorli dagli albumi: montare questi ultimi a neve ben ferma, eventualmente aggiungendo un pizzico di sale.

    2. Versare i tuorli e la stevia in un altro contenitore, grattugiare la scorza di un grosso limone non trattato e aggiungere anche il succo, filtrato attraverso un colino a maglie strette. Azionare le fruste elettriche e mescolare per alcuni minuti.

    3. A questo punto, aggiungere anche la farina integrale, l’olio e l’aroma al limone. Mescolare per alcuni minuti con le fruste elettriche: si dovrà ottenere un impasto piuttosto denso.

    4. Infine, aggiungere lentamente e poco per volta gli albumi montati a neve.

    Lo sapevi che…
    Unire gli albumi a neve al composto di tuorli e farina è un’operazione piuttosto delicata: per evitare di far afflosciare il composto, si sconsiglia di utilizzare le fruste elettriche. Risulta invece preferibile mescolare il tutto con la spatola lecca pentole.

    5. Foderare una teglia a cerniera dal diametro di 18 cm con la carta forno, dunque versare l’impasto ottenuto.

    6. Infornare a forno ventilato, preriscaldato a 180°C, e proseguire la cottura per 30-35 minuti.

    7. Lasciar raffreddare il dolce su una gratella e servire, accompagnando la torta con qualche fettina di limone.


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