Professional Manufacturer for Kava Extract in Myanmar

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Professional Manufacturer for Kava Extract in Myanmar Detail:

[Latin Name]  Piper methyicium L.

[Specification] Kavalactones ≥30.0%

[Appearance] Yellow powder

Plant Part Used: Root

[Particle size] 80Mesh

[Loss on drying] ≤5.0%

[Heavy Metal] ≤10PPM

[Storage] Store in cool & dry area, keep away from the direct light and heat.

[Shelf life] 24 Months

[Package] Packed in paper-drums and two plastic-bags inside.

[Net weight] 25kgs/drum

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[What is Kava?]

Kava, also known as piper methysticum, kava kava, and ‘awa, is a small shrub native to the islands in the South Pacific. The root and stems are made into a non-alcoholic, psychoactive beverage that has been used socially and ceremonially for hundreds of years in Hawaii, Fiji, and Tonga.

Kava is traditionally prepared by placing ground root and stem into a porous sack, submerging in water, and squeezing the juice into a large, carved, wooden bowl. Coconut half-shell cups are dipped and filled — punch bowl style. After drinking a cup or two a feeling of heightened attention combined with relaxation begins to come on. Although it is soothing, it is unlike alcohol in that thoughts remain clear. The flavor is largely inoffensive, but some find that it takes getting used to; it really depends on your preference for earthy flavors.

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[Kava is Safe to Use]

The safe and effective benefits of kava to relieve symptoms of anxiety were also supported in a meta-analysis, a systematic statistical review of seven human clinical trials published in 2000 in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, and again in a similar critical review in 2001. The reviews did not find significant adverse effects related to liver toxicity.

In conclusion, the liver is affected by many substances, including prescription and non- prescription drugs, as well as alcohol, which is a major cause of liver damage. We must be aware that herbs are potent medicines, to be treated with the appropriate respect regarding potential interactions and toxicity, including to the liver. On the other hand, Kava kava’s margin of safety far surpasses that of it’s pharmaceutical equivalent.


Kava’s can help offset a number of problems, most notably stress, anxiety, and disrupted sleep patterns. However, kava’s anxiolytic (anti-panic or anti-anxiety agent) and calming properties can offset many other stress and anxiety related ailments.

1. Kava as a Therapy for Anxiety
2. Kava May Remedy Menopausal Mood Swings

3. Weight Loss

4. Combat Premature Aging

5. Quit Smoking Aid

6. Combat pain as an analgesic

7. Insomnia

8. Depression

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    Natural Breast Enhancement

    Women have always been willing to undergo painful treatments to improve their appearance and become willing customers for the cosmetic industry.

    Satisfaction with the body plays a very important role in a woman’s libido, arousal and overall performance in bed. The worst part is that women who find their bodies deficient are more likely to suffer from depression, inferiority complexes and tend to have bad relationships. This fact coupled with a rising obsession with size amongst men has resulted in an increasing number of women are opting for breast enhancement. There was a time when silicon implants were considered the only means to increase bust size. But, breast enhancement surgeries carry the risk of surgical mishaps, rejections and unnatural feels. Today, the trend has moved towards non-invasive, supplement-based treatments that come in the form of herbal pills, creams and sprays and even suction bras.

    The hormone estrogen, naturally produces by the ovaries is responsible for breast size. Natural breast enhancement supplements use herbs with phytoestrogens, a plant-based substitute for the female hormone and human growth hormone (HGH). The two of them combined are capable of increasing the bust by entire cup-sizes in relatively short periods of time. The main ingredients of the supplements are saw palmetto, fennel seeds, dandelion and licorice. This however does not imply that any product with these herbs will enlarge the breasts. The products that work best are the ones that have a large variety of herbs (10-15) combined together. Women should also not fall prey to tall claims on the Internet and compile their research from Web sites that do not sell the products or derive profit from companies that do.

    Natural breast enhancement supplements are contraindicated for women with a risk for women breast and uterine cancer, since excessive estrogen is a known carcinogen. Also, pregnant or nursing women and women with a history of fibrocystic growths and endometriosis are advised to stay away from these medications. Natural breast enlargement supplements do not increase overall bodyweight and can help people before sex change operations. The supplements are not FDA approved but the individual ingredients are. Women should always consult their primary physicians or gynecologists before commencing any treatment.

    Natural Breast Enhancement [] provides detailed information on Natural Breast Enhancement, Natural Breast Enhancement Pills, Natural Breast Enhancement Products, Natural Breast Enhancement FAQs and more. Natural Breast Enhancement is affiliated with Sexual Enhancement Pills [].

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    Sepuluh Manfaat Meminum Teh Hijau (Green Tea)

    Green Tea (amazingearth)
    Green Tea (amazingearth) – Berikut adalah 10 alasan mengapa Anda harus meminum teh hijau (green tea). Sejumlah penelitian menyebutkan bahwa meminum teh hijau secara rutin dapat membantu menurunkan berat badan, mengurangi risiko serangan jantung, meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh, memperlambat penuaan tubuh, dan banyak lagi!

    Pertama, membantu menurunkan berat badan. Jika Anda ingin mengurangi beberapa inci ekstra di sekitar perut Anda, beralih ke teh hijau bisa menjadi cara sederhana dan murah. Sebuah studi menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak teh hijau meningkatkan pembakaran kalori oleh tubuh. The hijau membantu mengurangi lemak, kolesterol, kembung, mendetoksifikasi tubuh, dan menekan nafsu tingginya nafsu makan.

    Kedua, meningkatkan daya tahan dalam melakukan aktivitas olah raga. Menurut para ilmuwan, antioksidan dalam ekstrak teh hijau meningkatkan kemampuan tubuh untuk membakar lemak sebagai bahan bakar bagi ketahanan otot dalam berolah raga. Hal ini juga meningkatkan energi dan metabolisme Anda.

    Ketiga, mengurangi risiko serangan jantung. Minum teh hijau secara rutin membantu meningkatkan kesehatan sel-sel tubuh yang melapisi pembuluh darah dan juga membantu menurunkan risiko serangan jantung. Teh ini melindungi jantung dengan membantu relaksasi pembuluh darah sehingga darah dapat mengalir lebih mudah. Jadi, lindungi jantung Anda dengan meminum teh hijau secara rutin.

    Keempat, mampu memerangi beberapa jenis penyakit kanker. Antioksidan dalam teh hijau membantu melindungi tubuh dari serangan sel-sel kanker seperti payudara, usus besar, usus, kulit, paru-paru, kerongkongan, lambung , usus kecil, pankreas, hati, ovarium, prostat, dan kanker mulut. Ekstrak teh hijau dapat menginduksi kematian sel kanker dan tumor serta membatasi pertumbuhan sel kanker yang baru.

    Kelima, membantu memberikan perlindungan dari sinar ultraviolet yang berbahaya. Teh hijau kaya dengan antioksidan yang mampu mengikat radikal bebas berbahaya. Dengan menggunakan ekstrak teh hijau bersama dengan tabir surya, maka Anda akan mendapatkan perlindungan maksimal dari dampak negatif sinar ultraviolet.

    Keenam, membantu pengobatan para penderita diabetes. Teh hijau dapat melakukan keajaiban untuk seseorang yang menderita diabetes dengan membantu mengatur kadar glukosa dan memperlambat kenaikan gula darah. Teh hijau juga memicu dan merangsang produksi insulin dan mengaktifkan fungsi pankreas dalam tubuh.

    Ketujuh, membantu pencegahan dan pengobatan penyakit saraf. Polifenol dalam teh hijau dapat membantu menjaga fungsi bagian otak untuk belajar dan mengingat. Mengkonsumsi teh hijau secara rutin dapat membantu mencegah penyakit degeneratif dan neurologis seperti Alzheimer dan Parkinson.

    Kedelapan, membantu memperlambat penuaan. Antioksidan yang ditemukan dalam teh hijau melawan radikal bebas. Teh hijau mengandung proanthocyanidins oligomer, salah satu antioksidan yang paling kuat, yang diyakini dapat membantu memperlambat proses penuaan dini.

    Kesembilan, meningkatkan kekebalan Anda. Polifenol dan Flavonoid yang dikandung teh hijau dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia agar lebih kuat melawan berbagai infeksi. Vitamin C yang dikandung teh hijau juga dapat meredakan demam dan flu.

    Kesepuluh, mengatasi dehidrasi. Berbeda dengan kebanyakan jenis teh yang dapat memicu dehidrasi, teh hijau justru sebaliknya karena dapat berfungsi seperti air minum untuk mengatasi kekurangan cairan tubuh. (Berbagai Sumber).

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