Wholesale Distributors for Sodium copper chlorophyllin Factory in Manchester

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Wholesale Distributors for Sodium copper chlorophyllin Factory in Manchester Detail:

[Specification] 99%

[Appearance] Dark Green powder

Plant Part Used:

[Particle size] 80Mesh

[Loss on drying] ≤5.0%

[Heavy Metal] ≤10PPM

[Storage] Store in cool & dry area, keep away from the direct light and heat.

[Shelf life] 24 Months

[Package] Packed in paper-drums and two plastic-bags inside.

[Net weight] 25kgs/drum

Sodium copper chlorophyllin221

[What is that?]

Chlorophyll is a natural green pigment which is obtained through extraction and refining processes from natural green plants or silkworm feces.Chlorophyll is stabilized chlorophyll, which is prepared from chlorophyll by saponification and replacement of magnesium atom with copper and sodium. Chlorophyll is dark green to blue black powder, easily soluble in water but slightly soluble in alcohol and chloroform, with transparent jade green water solution without sediment.

Sodium copper chlorophyllin111


1.clears up odors of putrefaction effectively.

2.play an important role on cancer prevention.

3.Chlorophyll has superior coloring strength and good stabilization in neutral and alkali solutions.

4.Chlorophyll has effect on liver protection, fastening healing of stomach ulcers and intestine ulcers.

5.The active ingredient in a number of internally-taken preparations intended to reduce odors associated with incontinence, colostomies and similar procedures, as well as body odor in general.

6.Chlorophyll has strong antibacterial action, which makes it useful in surgeries, ulcerative carcinoma, acute rhinitis and rhinosinusitis, chronic ear infections, inflammations, etc.

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    How to Grow STEVIA Rebaudiana Bertoni Plant
    How to Grow STEVIA Plant food
    Growing Your Own Stevia
    (Excerpted from Stevia Rebaudiana: Nature’s Sweet Secret, Vital Health Publishing)
    If you enjoy gardening, Stevia can be a rewarding herb to grow. While it’s not feasible for most of us to grow sugarcane or sorghum in our backyard, several Stevia plants will fit nicely into a small garden. Recipes utilizing Green Stevia Powder are now available, and the whole leaves add to the flavor of herbal teas.
    Stevia rebaudiana is a tender perennial, native to semi-humid subtropical regions of Paraguay and Brazil. Wild plants occur on acid soils that are constantly moist, but not inundated, often near the edge of marshes or streams where the soil is sandy (Brandle et al., 1998). In the garden, too, Stevia doesn’t like to dry out, but standing water will encourage rot and disease. Stevia can be a successful garden plant in most climates with the use of a few simple techniques. Raised beds or hills prevent “wet feet,” while an organic mulch and frequent watering ensure a constant supply of moisture.
    In North America, Stevia survives winters only in the warmest areas such as southern California, Florida, and Mexico. Research in Japan indicates a critical winter soil temperature of 32 F to 35 F (Sumida, 1980). Stevia is a weak perennial, so plants grown as perennials should be replaced every few years. In colder areas, Stevia is planted after the last frost and treated as an annual. Longer summer days found at higher latitudes favor leaf yield and Stevioside content (Shock, 1982).
    Soil Preparation
    While tolerant of most soil types, Stevia prefers a sandy loam or loam. Any well-drained soil that produces a good crop of vegetables should work fine. Incorporating organic matter is the best way to improve heavy, high clay soils. A rich compost made with leaves, grass, hay, kitchen waste, manure, and other organic residues will improve soil structure and supply nutrients. Finished compost may be tilled, disked, or spaded into the soil before planting or used as a mulch later on. A “green manure” crop the previous year such as oats, rye, or legumes will also improve heavy soils. Stevia occurs naturally on soils of pH 4 to 5, but thrives with soil pH as high as 7.5. However, Stevia does not tolerate saline soils
    Como crescer Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni Planta
     Qualquer solo bem drenado, que produz uma boa colheita de legumes deve funcionar bem. Incorporando a matéria orgânica é a melhor maneira de melhorar pesados, solos de alta de argila. Um composto rico feito com folhas, grama, feno, restos de cozinha, esterco e outros resíduos orgânicos vai melhorar estrutura e fornecimento de nutrientes do solo. Composto final pode ser lavrada, disked ou spaded no solo antes de plantar ou usado como uma cobertura mais tarde. A “adubo verde” cortar ao ano anterior, como aveia, centeio, ou leguminosas também irá melhorar solos pesados. Stevia ocorre naturalmente em solos de pH de 4 a 5, mas vive com o pH do solo tão alto quanto 7,5. No entanto, Stevia não tolera solos salinos . Fosfato de rocha, farinha de ossos, e greensand oferecer uma ampla gama de minerais. Para a máxima disponibilidade de nutrientes, trabalhar adubos orgânicos no solo, alguns meses antes do plantio, ou misturar com adubo.
    Come coltivare Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni piante
     Qualsiasi terreno ben drenato che produce un buon raccolto di ortaggi dovrebbe funzionare bene. Incorporando la materia organica è il modo migliore per migliorare pesanti, terreni argillosi alti. Un ricco compost fatto con foglie, erba, fieno, scarti di cucina, letame, ed altri residui organici migliorerà la struttura del suolo e la fornitura di sostanze nutritive. Compost finito può essere coltivato, disked, o vangato nel terreno prima di piantare o utilizzata come pacciamatura in seguito. A “sovescio” ritagliare l’anno precedente, come l’avena, segale, o legumi migliorerà anche terreni pesanti. Stevia verifica naturalmente su suoli di pH da 4 a 5, ma cresce con terreno pH alto come 7.5. Tuttavia, Stevia non tollera suoli salini.
    Mentre un buon compost di solito soddisfa i requisiti nutrizionali, i sintomi di test suolo o vegetali possono avvisare l’utente di carenze. Mark Langan di Mulberry Creek Herbfarm raccomanda basso azoto o fertilizzanti organici. Eccesso di azoto favorisce la crescita rango di sapore poveri. Farina di ossa, farina di sangue, farina di semi di cotone, guano, o letame essiccato fornire azoto che viene rilasciato lentamente. Fosfato o farina di ossa forniscono fosforo. Greensand è una buona fonte di potassio. Fosfato, farina di ossa, e sabbia verde offrono una vasta gamma di tracce di minerali. Per la massima disponibilità di nutrienti, lavorare fertilizzanti organici nel suolo un paio di mesi prima di piantare, o mescolare con compost

    High Quality, High Efficiency, Creative and Integrity, worth having long-term cooperation! Looking forward to the future cooperation!
    5 Stars By Alexia from European - 2018.08.12 12:27
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    5 Stars By Gill from Islamabad - 2017.11.29 11:09
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