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Understand Konjac Allergy: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Introducing our latest product, Konjac Sponge by Ningbo J&S Botanics Inc. Our Konjac Sponge is a natural and sustainable cleansing tool made from the konjac root, suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and allergy-prone skin. However, we understand that some individuals may have a konjac allergy and therefore caution should be taken when using this product, At Ningbo J&S Botanics Inc., we prioritize the safety and well-being of our customers, which is why our Konjac Sponge is carefully sourced and manufactured to minimize allergen exposure. Our product is free from harmful chemicals, artificial colors, and additives, making it an ideal choice for those with sensitive skin or allergies, We guarantee the quality and effectiveness of our Konjac Sponge, as it gently exfoliates and cleanses the skin, leaving it soft, smooth, and revitalized. We are committed to providing natural and eco-friendly skincare solutions that deliver outstanding results while also ensuring the safety and satisfaction of our customers. Experience the gentle yet effective cleansing power of our Konjac Sponge and enjoy healthy, glowing skin with peace of mind

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