Super Purchasing for Tribulus terrestris extract Wholesale to Japan

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Super Purchasing for Tribulus terrestris extract Wholesale to Japan Detail:

[Latin Name] Tribulus terrestris

[Specification] Saponins 90%

[Appearance] Brown powder

Plant Part Used: Fruit

[Particle size] 80Mesh

[Loss on drying] ≤5.0%

[Heavy Metal] ≤10PPM

[Storage] Store in cool & dry area, keep away from the direct light and heat.

[Shelf life] 24 Months

[Package] Packed in paper-drums and two plastic-bags inside.

[Net weight] 25kgs/drum


[What is Tribulus terrestris?]

Tribulus terrestris is a vine that has been used as a general tonic (energy) and herbal treatment for impotence, but is found primarily in dietary supplements marketed for increasing testosterone levels in bodybuilders and power athletes. The idea behind tribulus is that it may increase testosterone levels indirectly by raising blood levels of another hormone, luteinizing hormone.



1) Enhance men’s sexual ability.

2) Relieving muscle spasm and cramps;
3) Anti-myocardial ischemia and cerebral ischemia;
4) Relieving stress , regulating blood fat, and reducing cholesterol;
5) Promoting sex gland hormones;
6) Anti-aging and anti cancer;
7) Diuretic, anti-calculus of the urethra, reducing the risk of urinary stone disease and disorder;
8) Promoting muscle growth efficiently, helping the body to be strong and letting muscle to play potential role.

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    Hey guys and gals, today we’re talking about Horny Goat Weed. I’m Logan Christopher from Lost Empire Herbs and this is a well the name says what this does. It of course does more than just work on the horniness, but really that’s what it’s got its reputation for, that’s what a lot of people are using it for. Latin name is epimedium, so you also hear it go by that.

    Now the interesting thing about Horny Goat Weed is this mechanism of action, the active constituent because you know there’s more than one active constituent in any sort of herb, but what they they’ve looked at the icariin in it, it’s actually a pde5 inhibitor. That probably doesn’t mean anything to you, except this enzyme is the same thing that which certain erectile function drugs work as well, they’re inhibiting that enzyme which breaks down basically metric oxide blood flow going to where you want blood flow to be going to. So Horny Goat Weed of course it’s not going to work like a drug because it’s not isolated and supercharged and its potency there, but you’ve got a whole lot of other things going on with it too so it is definitely working through multiple mechanisms not just that one component.

    The horny goat weed, if you’re going to take this by itself we recommend 1/2 a teaspoon to 1 teaspoon twice a day and just take it regularly for a while and it’s really going to kind of build up that ability in you and you should see an increase in what you’re trying to accomplish with that. But this is something that you shouldn’t be on long-term, so don’t take Horny Goat Weed for the rest of your life. Really, you want to use it here in there for what you’re doing. If you want to round out this power I definitely recommend you check out our Thor’s formula, for that is really hitting on multiple different mechanisms for that.

    As for its taste it’s really a pretty salty one, not like overpoweringly so so you can certainly add this into smoothies, that sort of thing, or just mix it into water and take it straight is the easy way to do it. Once again the dosage 1/2 a teaspoon to 1 tsp twice per day.

    Try Horny Goat Weed and well, you’ll see why it got that name.
    Thanks so much for watching this video. If you’d like to get more information click the link around this video and you’ll be taken to our website. Once there you can click around, we have tons of information, scientific studies, details about the earth and its historical, use reviews, and so much more. So head over there you’ll be able to find that info and pick up a back today.

    Petite prestation pour un agriculteur Tarnais (plantation de stévia)

    la stévia est un genre de la famille des Asteraceae. Il regroupe environ 240 espèces d’herbes aromatiques ou d’arbrisseaux dont quelques-unes contiennent des édulcorants naturels, notamment Stevia eupatoria et Stevia rebaudiana, connues sous le nom générique de stevias. Originaire d’Amérique du Sud, cette plante pousse à l’état sauvage dans des prairies ou des massifs montagneux, sous un climat semi-aride. Sa faible teneur en glucides en fait un ingrédient alimentaire substitut du saccharose. De plus, son effet négligeable sur le taux de glucose dans le sang en fait un édulcorant compatible avec les régimes pour diabétiques et les régimes hypoglycémiques.

    bon visionnage et bon week-end à tous

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